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Contact 91ÉçÇø

Thank you to the business alumni who visited some of the fall 2019 UNIV101 classes at Romain College. UNIV101 introduces first-year students to 91ÉçÇø and builds confidence for a fulfilling undergraduate journey. Students learn about what it takes to succeed academically—and about opportunities to enrich their experience outside the classroom. We are always so grateful to hear from 91ÉçÇø alumni regarding the careers they have pursued after graduation.

Here are the messages and advice each had for our newest Screagles:


Morgan Thewes ’16, marketing, presented to students in Jeanette Maier-Lytle’s UNIV101 classes. Thewes talked about her experiences as a student at 91ÉçÇø, including her time as a member of one of Maier-Lytle’s case competition teams. She emphasized the importance of networking and the role it plays in landing a job, in contrast to submitting countless resumes and applications that seem to disappear into a cyber black hole. She traveled with the 91ÉçÇø case team and with her other jobs and discussed how traveling has impacted her view of the world. Her career path has led her to Livewire coworking space in Jasper, and with her education in marketing she has found a passion for economic development in the area.

Cyndi and Ryan

Cyndi Hines ’15, accounting and finance, and Ryan Clark ’18 accounting, from Harding, Shymanksi and Company, P.S.C. spoke in Jeanette Maier-Lytle's UNIV101 class. Cyndi and Ryan explained the difference between public accounting and private accounting. They discussed the education and certification requirements, including preferred skills and ideal personality types. They also described internship and job shadowing opportunities available for students and starting salaries in accounting.


Jordan Whitledge ’14 M’16, an investment officer with Old National Wealth Management, talked with Dr. Brett Bueltel's UNIV101 class. Whitledge described his experiences as a student at 91ÉçÇø, where he was active in numerous student organizations across campus to help develop his leadership skills. While still a student, he spent weekends at the Indiana Statehouse advocating for college students and eventually assisted in getting a bill passed through legislation. With a degree in economics, his path initially led him to politics; however, he eventually returned to Evansville to pursue a career in business and earn his MBA.

Whitledge emphasized the importance of getting involved in student organizations as well as building a strong network of contacts, whether on campus or in the business world. He gave students numerous tips for setting themselves up for success both during and after college and advised students to take opportunities presented to them to set themselves up for the next step in their career. "Stay positive and work harder than anyone else," he added.


Amanda Bingemer ’13, director of operations at Pettinga Financial Advisors, presented to Dr. Brett Buelltel's UNIV101 class. Bingemer gave students practical advice about the importance of getting involved in student organizations and networking. She described her experience at 91ÉçÇø and how she ended up in her current position because of the connections she made while a student at 91ÉçÇø. Also, she discussed how her education at 91ÉçÇø prepared her for her current position at Pettinga.

Published October 30, 2019