Welcome to the University Divison
Whether you are a returning student or a brand-new Screaming Eagle, the administrators and staff within the University Division are so happy you are here! Your enthusiasm, curiosity, diligence, and ambition reinforce our presence as your most important ally as you transition into 91社区, persist, and eventually graduate. University Division provides you with the academic resources to be the best you can be. All you need to do is ask!
Within the University Division, you will find the four College Advising Centers, (Liberal Arts, Kinney, Pott, and Romain) and the Center for Exploring Majors; Career Counseling; Academic Success Center, which includes The Writer's Room, SI, Academic Coaching and in-person course-specific tutoring as well as certified learning specialists in Math, Reading, and Writing. We additionally staff the TRIO program (Student Support Services) and the 21st Century Scholars Program.
Our goal is simple. We want to help you achieve your聽academic goals. Partner with us as you start or continue your educational path. You will not be disappointed. Your biggest challenge, especially for new students, is overcoming the hesitation to ask for help. Stop by our main office in the Education Center or see how we can help. Remember, we work for you!
On a more personal note, if I can answer any questions, please do not hesitate to contact my office at 812-465-1606 or by email at聽David Henriques. We are excited you are here. Let us help you make this the best educational experience you have ever had.
David Henriques, Executive Director
University Division