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Frequently Asked Questions

Title IX protects people from discrimination based on sex in education programs or activities that receive federal financial assistance. Title IX states:

No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.

Title IX applies to schools, local and state educational agencies, and other institutions that receive federal financial assistance from the Department.

A recipient institution that receives Department funds must operate its education program or activity in a nondiscriminatory manner free of discrimination based on sex, including sexual orientation and gender identity. Some key issue areas in which recipients have Title IX obligations are: recruitment, admissions, and counseling; financial assistance; athletics; sex-based harassment, which encompasses sexual assault and other forms of sexual violence; treatment of pregnant and parenting students; treatment of LGBTQI+ students; discipline; single-sex education; and employment.

More information: 听

The University is committed to providing an environment that does not tolerate sex or gender discrimination, including sexual harassment and gender-based violence, and will take steps intended to end sexual harassment, sexual assault, stalking, dating or domestic violence, and related retaliation, prevent their recurrence and, as appropriate, remedy their effects.

The current Title IX regulations do not capture all of the prohibited conduct that could negatively impact the University鈥檚 education and work environments. For example, the Title IX regulations do not cover sexual assault that occurs off campus between two 91社区 students. Yet, the University believes this type of sexual assault should be prohibited under the Sexual Harassment Policy. As a result, some of the definitions of prohibited conduct in our policy are broader than those required by Title IX.

Also, other federal regulations, for example, the Jeanne Clery Act and Violence Against Women Act, requires 91社区 to respond to prohibited conduct and report beyond what Title IX requires.

Reporting an incident is informing Institutional Equity of an incident that has violated 91社区's Sexual Harassment Policy or Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination Policy. To report an incident, there is an online form available Individuals wanting to report an incident may also speak to a Responsible Employee who will relay the information to IEO. Individuals who are unsure of whether they want to report an incident may speak to a Confidential Employee to discuss reporting options more in-depth.

Filing a report or disclosing a concern is NOT the same as filing a formal complaint with the Title IX Coordinator.

Reporting an incident is making IEO aware of an incident that has occurred. An incident can be reported by听students, faculty or staff wishing to file an incident report on their own behalf or on the behalf of another 91社区 member. When an incident is reported, IEO is able to reach out to the impacted party and discuss options. These can look like supportive measures such as a mutual no-contact directive, academic or housing adjustments, etc. This can also look like filing a complaint and/or a University-sanctioned investigation taking place.听

When a Complaint is filed, all information and materials submitted as part of a Complaint will be shared with the alleged party as part of their due process rights afforded under the law and through our procedures. Filing a complaint is the first step in a Formal or Informal Resolution Process. IEO highly recommends a meeting with the Title IX Coordinator before requesting to file a complaint.

If you have received an outreach email from Institutional Equity, IEO has received information concerning a situation where your personal safety and well-being may have been endangered. You are not obligated to respond to this letter.

This does not mean that any disciplinary action has been taken, and only the impacted parties have been alerted (the alleged party typically does not receive outreach). This letter is simply making you aware of some options for support and next steps if you wish to take them. We are able to provide this support even if you are not able or willing to identify another party and participate in a formal investigation.

However, in some cases, the University may elect to address certain types of complaints if there is a greater safety risk to the campus. Therefore, any information or input you may have would be greatly appreciated.听

If an incident of sexual misconduct (sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, or sexual exploitation) happens off-campus, or involves someone who is not part of 91社区's community, you can still report it.听

The University may not be able to provide disciplinary measures for the respondent, but law enforcement can still be contacted. Additionally, the university can still provide supportive measures for the impacted party such as deadline extensions, modification of living arrangements, increased security, etc.

If you have experienced sexual harassment, sexual assault, stalking, dating or domestic violence, or sexual exploitation and want to report anonymously, you can refrain from entering your information in the incident report form. However, you will not be able receive supportive measures.

(This option would be best if you do not wish to receive supportive measures but want to inform IEO of a person or persons who may be a possible threat to campus safety.)

If you want to file an incident report on the behalf of someone else but remain anonymous, the inferred impacted party will get an outreach letter from IEO. This includes an option to meet and request supportive measures, and the alleged party will not be informed that they were named in an incident report.

Please note that 91社区's Responsible Employees may not file incident reports annonymously.听

You can report an incident and request that no action be taken against the alleged party. You can still receive supportive measures such as deadline extensions, modification of living arrangements, increased security, etc.

All student employees, including Resident Assistants are considered Responsible Employees and are required to report prohibited conduct that they learn about. If you have questions about whether a specific incident is considered a required reportable, please contact the Institutional Equity Office at 812-464-1835 | or email title.ix@usi.edu听for guidance.

91社区 policy requires all employees to promptly report reportable incidents to the Title IX Coordinator if they become aware of the information through the scope of the job duties or employment.听

If a student approaches an employee about a possible sexual misconduct incident and it is unclear if the information should be reported, please contact the Institutional Equity Office for guidance at 812-464-1835 or via email at title.ix@usi.edu

If an incident is reported to a Responsible Employee, they will relay the information to the Title IX Coordinator or submit an incident report.听

Upon receiving an incident report, some staff in the Institutional Equity will have access to the information provided.听听

If the incident occurred in campus housing, the Incident Report will be available to the Director of Housing and Residence Life and the Dean of Students

If either of the named parties are students, the Incident Report will be available to the Dean of Students.听

IEO may share information about the incident reports to Public Safety, Human Resources, or the Provost Office on a need-to-know basis for safety or Clery reportable reasons. (Information on the Jeanne Clery Act: )

All students named who may be in the role of complainant/impacted party will be made aware that IEO has received information concerning a situation where their personal safety and well-being may have been endangered. They will be sent an outreach letter with options to move forward (if they choose). The respondent/alleged party typically does not receive outreach.

The University recognizes that an individual who reports Sexual Harassment may be engaged in under-age drinking or drug use or other prohibited conduct at or near the time of the incident reported.听 To encourage reporting under these circumstances, the University will not take disciplinary action against a student reporter, student witness, student Complainant, or student Respondent for their personal use of alcohol or drugs or for other prohibited conduct at or near the time of the incident reported if such violations do not or did not subject other people to harm.

For more information, turn to section 1.18 under 91社区's .

Indiana Lifeline Law information: /housing/current-residents/student-conduct/indiana-lifeline-law/

The institution has an obligation under the law and via university insurance to address, remedy, and prevent the recurrence of sexual harassment on our campus. The Sexual Assault Prevention Training is mandatory for both undergraduate and graduate students to complete in their first semester at 91社区, and mandatory for student athletes to complete annually. Failure to do so will result in a hold being placed on your student account, which will prevent you from registering for the next term's classes. The hold will lift upon training completion.

If you have completed the training and still have a hold, please email Institutional Equity at title.ix@usi.edu.