Spring 2009

Pere Lachaise, Street Photography in Rochester, Untitled, Brainstorm, Lifeboat,Untitled, Untitled, Bystander Series Image #47, Newburgh Tornado, Members of the Cabinet series, Entropic Idols— received his MFA in Fine Art Photography from the Rochester Institute of Technology. In 2007 he was named Microsoft Future Pro Photographer Competition Grand Prize Winner and recognized as Creative Quarterly’s "Photographer of the Year." American Photo magazine recently profiled Van Hoy’s MFA thesis series, Bystander, and his work has been widely published in many other photographic magazines, including After Capture, PDN, Digital Photo Pro, CMYK, Photographer’s Forum, Professional Photographer, American Photo, Camera Arts, and Creative Quarterly.Ìý
"A Song for Fever"—Angie MacriÌýreceived an MFA from the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville.ÌýHer work has been published in journals includingÌýArts & Letters,ÌýConnecticut Review,ÌýFugue, andÌýNew Orleans ReviewÌýand was featured inÌýThe Spoon River Poetry Review.ÌýShe was recently awarded an individual artist fellowship from the Arkansas Arts Council.Ìý
"White Herons"—Kirk WilsonÌýlives in Austin, Texas. His poems have appeared in numerous literary journals and in a Burning Deck chapbook calledÌýThe Early Word. Wilson is the author of a non-fiction book calledÌýUnsolved: The Top Ten Mysteries of the 20th Century, and is now completing a novel.
"Natural History"—John DruryÌýteaches at the University of Cincinnati. He is the author of two books of poetry,ÌýThe Disappearing TownÌý²¹²Ô»åÌýBurning the Aspern PapersÌý(both published by Miami University Press), and two books about poetry,Creating PoetryÌý²¹²Ô»åÌýThe Poetry DictionaryÌý(Writer’s Digest Books). Drury has won the Bernard F. Conners Prize fromÌýThe Paris Review, a Pushcart Prize, and two Ohio Arts Council Fellowships. He is currently a Taft Center Fellow, working on a memoir,ÌýThe Bad Soldier, about his experiences in the Army.
"My Namesake is Dying"—Nancy K. Pearson’sÌýfirst book of poems,ÌýTwo Minutes of Light, published by Perugia Press in August 2008, won the 2009 L.L. Winship/PEN New England Award and is a current finalist for a Lambda Literary Award. Her poems have been published in journals such asÌýThe Iowa Review,Black Warrior Review, andÌýHayden’s Ferry Review. Pearson has received numerous awards including two seven-month poetry fellowships at The Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown. Originally from Chattanooga, Tennessee, she now lives on Cape Cod.
"Blood Kinship"—Marita GarinÌý±ð»å¾±³Ù±ð»åÌýÌý(, 2008). Her work is included in Literary Trails of the North Carolina Mountains: A Guidebook. New poems are forthcoming inÌýZone 3ÌýandÌýRiver Oak Review. She lives in Black Mountain, North Carolina.
"These Gods are Known by the Shapes of Their Teeth"—John M. AndersonÌýteaches creative writing and the Emily Dickinson Seminar at Boston College and divides his time between Boston and Cripple Creek, Colorado. He has new poems inÌýBeloit PoetryÌýJournal,ÌýQuiddity, andÌýThe Antioch Review, as well as a chapbook Dictionary QuiltÌý(Pudding House, 2007). He was nominated for a Pushcart Prize in 2007 and 2008; this year, his manuscriptÌýBlackwater DrivebyÌýwas a finalist for the May Swenson Prize. He looks forward to serving as guest poetry editor for CrazyhorseÌýthis summer.
"the all night bus to Austin"—Steve Hellyard Swartz'sÌýpoetry has appeared in New Verse News,ÌýBest Poem,ÌýHaggard and Halloo,ÌýThe Kennesaw Review,switched-on guttenberg, andÌýThe Paterson Review. He has received honorable mention in the Allen Ginsberg Poetry Awards (2007 and 2008), as well as the Mary C. Mohr and Anna Davidson Rosenberg Poetry Awards. In 1990,ÌýNever Leave Nevada, which he wrote and directed, opened at the U.S. Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah. Swartz lives in Schenectady, New York, with his wife, Lyudmila Shmidova, and their daughter, Katerina Jane.
"Raisins"—Recent publications byÌýJim DanielsÌýincludeÌý, winner of the Blue Lynx Poetry Prize ();ÌýÌý(fiction,Ìý); andÌýÌý(), all published in 2007. He is the Baker Professor of English at Carnegie Mellon University.
"Gem City"—Michael HaeflingerÌýis a poet, educator, and organizer from Rochester, Minnesota; Crawfordsville, Indiana; West Chester and Dayton, Ohio; the Upper Peninsula of Michigan; one half of the Twin Cities; north central Iowa; and Chicago, Illinois. Work has appeared inÌýnew leaf,ÌýBlaze, VOX,Ìýmilk, and most recently inÌýcity lighthouse: a tall-lighthouse anthologyÌýandÌýGuided By Poets. He lives in Berlin, Germany.
"Storm Season" & "Notes on Prison"—Catherine MacDonaldÌýlives in Richmond, Virginia, and teaches at Virginia Commonwealth University. Her poems have appeared inÌýWashington Square,ÌýCrab Orchard Review,ÌýThe Cortland Review,Blackbird, and other journals.ÌýÌýwill publish her chapbook,How to Leave Home, in June 2009.
"³Ò±ð³¾²õ³Ù´Ç²Ô±ð²õ"—Rachel Contreni FlynnÌýwas awarded a 2007 Literature Fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts, and her first book:Ìýwas published in 2005 byÌýÌýafter winning the Dorset Prize. Flynn is a corporate attorney and a graduate of the Warren Wilson College MFA Program. Her work has been widely published in literary journals.
"Amanuensis" & "Ghazal: By Hand"—Heidi CzerwiecÌýis assistant professor of English and creative writing at the University of North Dakota, where she directs the annual UND Writers Conference. Czerwiec is the author ofÌýHiking the Maze(, 2009), and has poems or translations published or forthcoming inÌýThe Connecticut Review,ÌýMeasure,ÌýThe Evansville Review,ÌýHunger Mountain, andÌýInternational Poetry Review.
"Safeway Boxboys"—Rachel Dilworth’sÌýfirst book,ÌýThe Wild Rose Asylum: Poems of the Magdalen Laundries of Ireland, won the 2008 Akron Poetry Prize and will be published by theÌýÌýin fall 2009. Her poems have appeared inÌýAGNI Online,ÌýTriQuarterly,ÌýAmerican Literary Review,ÌýThe Spoon River Poetry Review, and elsewhere, and are forthcoming inÌýChautauqua Literary JournalÌýandÌýBay Nature. She has received a Fulbright Fellowship to Ireland, Yale’s Clapp Fellowship for poetry, a Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Poetry Prize, and scholarship support from the Bread Loaf and Napa Valley Writers’ Conferences.
"If I believed in poems, we all live in this country" & "The Brave One"—Otis HaschemeyerÌýattended Stanford University as a Stegner Fellow, spent a year at the Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris, France, and currently lives in Oregon with writer Zondie Zinke and their daughter, Ozymandias Wild Zhaschemeyerinke.
"Lil' Earl"—Otis Haschemeyer
"Papal Indulgence"—Hadley Hall MearesÌýis a writer, actress, and singer from Chapel Hill, North Carolina. A graduate of Hollins University, her writing has appeared inÌýThe Santa Monica Review,ÌýOstrich Ink, andÌýQuintessentially Magazine. She just finished her first novel,ÌýAbsolutely, and is hard at work on her second. She currently lives in Los Angeles, with a clear view of the Hollywood sign.
"On By"—Eliot TreichelÌýis originally from northern Wisconsin and now lives in Oregon with his wife and daughter. He’s a regular contributor toÌýEugene Magazine, and an adjunct instructor at Lane Community College. Recent stories have appeared inÌýPassages NorthÌýandÌýCold-drill.
"Just Fine"—Gary Fincke’sÌýlatest collection of stories,Ìý, won the Flannery O’Connor prize and was published byÌý. New stories are recently inÌýCrazyhorse,ÌýThe Missouri Review,ÌýThe Kenyon Review, and Beloit Fiction Journal. His next book will be a memoir,ÌýThe Canals of Mars, which will be published byÌýÌýin 2010.
Mary C. Mohr Nonfiction Award First Prize Winner: "Pilgrim"—Lili WrightÌýworked as a newspaper reporter for ten yearsÌýbefore she earned her MFA in creative nonfiction from Columbia University. She is author of the travel memoirÌýÌý(, 2002). Her essays and journalism have appeared inÌýThe New York Times,ÌýNewsweek,ÌýEsquire,ÌýThe Chicago Tribune,ÌýMaize,ÌýGrand Tour,Ìýand other publications. She teaches writing at DePauw University in Greencastle, Indiana, where she lives with her husband and two children. Her essay, "Pilgrim," is an excerpt of a work-in-progress calledÌýMother at Sea.
Mary C. Mohr Nonfiction Award Second Prize Winner: "Four Eyes in a Dark Room"—Julie Marie Wade'sÌýfirst collection of lyric essays,ÌýWishbone: A Memoir in Fractures, just received the Colgate University Press Nonfiction Book Prize and is forthcoming in 2010. Wade completed an MA in English at Western Washington University in 2003 and an MFA in Poetry at the University of Pittsburgh in 2006. She has received the Chicago Literary Award in Poetry, the Gulf CoastÌýNonfiction Prize, and six Pushcart Prize nominations. Her work appears or is forthcoming inÌýThird Coast,ÌýSoutheast Review,ÌýDiner,ÌýNimrodÌýand Georgetown Review, among others. She lives with Angie and their two cats in northern Kentucky, where she is a doctoral candidate and graduate teaching fellow in the Humanities program at the University of Louisville.ÌýAn Interview with Julie Marie WadeÌý
Mary C. Mohr Nonfiction Award Third Prize Winner: "Bread"—Michael ColonneseÌýserves as the managing editor ofÌýÌýand directs the Creative Writing Program at Methodist University. He lives in Fayetteville, NC.ÌýAn Interview with Michael ColonneseÌý
"Endless Reward: An Interview with Susan Neville"—Kevin AlltonÌýreceived his MA and PhD in creative writing: fiction from the University of Missouri. His shorter fiction has appeared inÌýShiftless Stone,ÌýThe Green Hills Literary Lantern, andÌýQuarter After Eight.ÌýSusan Neville’sÌýessay collections includeÌýIndiana WinterÌýandÌýFabrication: Essays on Making Things and Making Meaning. She is the author of the story collectionsÌýInvention of Flight, which won the Flannery O’Connor Award for Short Fiction, andÌýIn the House of Blue Lights, selected as one of the "Best Books of 1998" by theÌýChicago Tribune, andÌýIconography, a memoir and meditation on writing. Her most recent book is Sailing the Inland Sea: On Writing, Literature, and LandÌý(Quarry Books, 2007). A recipient of a National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship and a Pushcart Prize, Neville teaches at Butler University in Indianapolis.
"Immortalized Meditation"—Andy McFadyen-KetchumÌýreceived his MFA in poetry at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. A number of his interviews, poems, and reviews have recently been published inÌýSou'wester,ÌýBlueline,ÌýThe Missouri Review,ÌýThe Cortland Review, andÌýThe Crab Orchard Review. He is the founder and managing editor ofÌý, an online forum of Contemporary American Poetry, original and previously published author-interviews, and essays and reviews.
"A Brief Journey: A Review ofÌýKatherine's Wish"—Mary Jane SchenkÌýis the executive director of the Arts Council of Southwestern Indiana. As a former employee of the 91ÉçÇø and the 91ÉçÇø Foundation, she was a staff member of RopeWalk and theÌýSouthern Indiana ReviewÌýfor many years. Her current role with the Council includes managing the Bower-Suhrheinrich Foundation Gallery, which features the works of local visual artists, and serving as a regional services director for the Indiana Arts Commission.
"A Curative Critique"—Shannon R. WoodenÌýhas been fiction editor at the Carolina QuarterlyÌýand faculty advisor forÌýiris: the UNC journal of medicine, literature, and visual art. Her primary interests lie in Victorian fiction and the connections between literature and science, but she has also written on contemporary texts forÌýThe Journal of African Travel Writing,ÌýThe Journal of Popular Culture, andÌýThe Journal of Popular Film and Television. Wooden teaches literature, literary theory, and composition at Missouri State University.