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Liberal Arts Team-Teaching Experience (LATTE) Award

Purpose and scope of awards: The Liberal Arts Team-Teaching Experience (LATTE) award supports two faculty members who seek to enhance student learning through interdisciplinary team teaching. Recipients will each receive full, regular compensation for team-teaching a course in the same semester of the subsequent year of their award application. For example, if the course is three credits, three credits will count toward each instructor’s teaching load for the team-taught course, and recipients chosen in spring 2023 will teach their proposed interdisciplinary course in spring 2024. The LATTE award is available for courses taught in any delivery format (online, in-person, etc.) and can support existing courses, special topics courses, and courses cross-listed across departments.

Eligibility and Requirements: Faculty members who are full time, either on continuous appointment or eligible for such in the College of Liberal Arts, may apply for a LATTE award. 

  • LATTEs are not intended for team teaching of courses within the same academic discipline. However, applications will be accepted for courses taught by members of the same department who bring distinct disciplinary perspectives to the course (example: faculty members in Literature and Professional Writing could propose a course together even though they are in the same department because they bring distinct disciplinary perspectives).
  • Recipients may not teach an overload course during the semester in which they receive an award, except under special circumstances approved by the Department Chair(s) and Dean.
  • Current expectations for course enrollment minimums apply. A course supported by a LATTE award may be cancelled if minimum enrollment is not met.
  • Recipients must make themselves available to serve subsequently a two-year term on the LARA committee, if asked. Refusal to serve will deem the recipient ineligible to apply for a LATTE for a period of two years following the refusal.
  • Recipients of the LATTE award may not receive a LARA or EDIC during the same semester.
  • Recipients of the awards must submit to the chair of the LARA committee a single, co-authored report by February 1 in the semester following fall awards and by June 30 for spring semester awards. This report should document the interdisciplinary instruction carried out during the award period through a description of the ways the course promoted interdisciplinarity (focusing on work that could not have been completed with a single instructor) and a reflection on the benefits of the course to students. A description of any application of the course to future research (i.e., a Scholarship of Teaching and Learning project or presentation of the results of the course at a professional conference) may be included if applicable.
  • No subsequent LATTEs will be awarded to a faculty member until they have submitted this report. Late reports will result in making the recipient ineligible to apply for a LATTE for a period of one year following receipt of the report. Exception: Individuals who are seeking to apply for a LATTE in two consecutive semesters may do so before submitting their final documentation for the first LATTE. For example, an individual who applies in Fall 2024 and receives the award for Fall 2025 may also apply for a LATTE in Spring 2025 to be used in Spring 2026. This exception is capped at two consecutive semesters.

Application Process: The application should include the following sections and be submitted on Cayuse as a single-spaced document in a standard 12-point font. Include page numbers and the applicants’ last names on all pages.

Application Document (1500 words maximum)

  • Heading: Begin the application with a heading that lists the proposed course title and number, faculty names, faculty ranks, and previous LATTEs received. For previous LATTEs, include the course number and title, semester and year, and the date of final report submission.
  • Abstract: Include a summary/overview of the application, written so that individuals who are not in your fields can understand it.
  • Course Description: Provide a description of the course that includes a summary of its content and significance to the relevant academic disciplines. In this description, articulate the course outcomes and primary pedagogical strategies or approaches that will be used to promote and assess learning.
  • Anticipated enrollment: State the anticipated enrollment for the course, explain how the course fits into students’ academic programs (e.g. it fulfills a requirement in the major, fulfills a Core 39 requirement, etc.) and describe how students will be recruited into the course.
  • Description of Faculty Contributions: Explain the disciplinary perspectives brought by each faculty member and provide an explanation of what each faculty member will contribute to the course.
  • Benefits to Students: Articulate the benefits to students participating in this proposed course, with an emphasis on interdisciplinary learning and promotion of liberal arts values.
  • Benefits to Faculty: Articulate the benefits to the faculty participating in this proposed course. Benefits might include a collaborative research project or presentation emerging from the course, exploration of collaborative curriculum engagements beyond this course, or others.


  • Preliminary Syllabus: Attach a preliminary syllabus that includes course outcomes, a reading list, a list of assignments, and one or more sample assignments. (3 pages maximum; course policies do not need to be included.)
  • CV: Each faculty member should attach a brief CV (2 pages maximum)
  • Memo of support from department chair(s)


  • The applications will be reviewed and ranked by the LARA committee using the LATTE Award rubric. The committee will be comprised of five full-time faculty members from the College and chaired by a representative from the Dean’s Office, who will make recommendations to the Dean. 
  • Any faculty member who sits on the LARA committee may apply for an award but will be recused from the entire review process that semester. In this case, a faculty member from that department or a related discipline who is not applying for a LATTE will participate in the review process and exercise the committee member’s vote in the committee’s recommendation to the Dean. The faculty member will be selected by the Dean’s office.
  • In the event that one or more applications are ranked equally, the following will be considered:
    • Number of previous LATTE awards received, with priority given to those with fewer previous LATTE awards.
    • Length of time since the last LATTE award received, with priority given to those with a greater amount of time since the previous award(s).

Application Submission Instructions

1. Submit an intent to apply for internal grant application form no later than February 15. The form can be found on the

2. Once OSPRA has received the intent to apply notice, your proposal file will be created in CAYUSE. You will be notified by email that you have been added as a user to a proposal and can start filling in the application.

3. Access CAYUSE 424 through My91ÉçÇø on the 91ÉçÇø website usi.edu.

    • Use your 91ÉçÇø credentials to log-in to My91ÉçÇø
    • Look for the CAYUSE 424 icon under 91ÉçÇø Online Services.

4. Click on the icon to enter CAYUSE 424 and locate your project proposal. For more detailed instructions regarding CAYUSE 424, click here.

5. Submit the proposal for routing through CAYUSE 424 no later than 4:30 p.m. on March 1.

Note: To submit your proposal you will need to approve the proposal in CAYUSE by checking the box next to your name in the routing and approval section. The CAYUSE 424 routing feature allows your department chair and dean to approve the application.
